A Web.com Partner
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Business partner
Growing business industry
Leading products and services
Head Office

Dreamscape Networks International Pte Ltd


3 Irving Road #09-01

Singapore 369522


Crazy Domains is a world leader in domain name registration, hosting services and related online products and services; we are always interested in new innovative and exciting products that have a synergy with what we currently offer and will certainly consider requests to invest in outside companies in relation to expanding our own product range as well as investing in new technologies.

If you'd like to partner with Crazy Domains, email a detailed Executive Summary of your business plan to [email protected].


We are always looking to expand and invest in new areas using new marketing strategies and platforms to increase our brand awareness and brand equity on a global spectrum. If you have marketing or advertising opportunities, we would love to hear about them.

Be sure to include a full company history, current examples of existing clients, typical target demographics, analytics, statistics, other relevant data, potential exposure and a detailed explanation of the opportunity on offer and related costs and most important of all, why this would be a great fit for CrazyDomains.id

Email a detailed summary of your proposal to [email protected]

Charities & Sponsorship

Crazy Domains has donated to numerous charities on a global scale and has also supported various organizations and sporting clubs. We have planted trees to reduce the carbon footprint and historically have been particularly focused on helping children's charities varying from orphanages to child autism. We partner with like minded charities and organizations that we feel are most deserving and that we feel will make the biggest impact on society. We believe in giving back to local communities and doing our part to make this a better world to live in.

We would be happy to consider new deserving charities, so please email a detailed summary of your charity, organization or sports club to [email protected]

Important please read

By submitting materials to us, you are agreeing that the materials do not contain information that is confidential, proprietary, or otherwise protected. You acknowledge that Crazy Domains may be developing products or programs that are similar or identical to your submissions and that Crazy Domains is under no obligation to compensate you for any business idea or plan submitted, regardless of whether Crazy Domains pursues a similar idea in the future.

All submissions will be responded to within 14 days. Business Investments will be responded to within 31 days.